Sunday, October 24, 2010

Winter is on the way

The first noticeable dusting of snow appeared on the tops of the mountains this weekend.

The autumn colors contrasted nicely with the cold, stark gray of the mountains and the clouds cruising just below the peaks.

It also contrasted nicely with the uniforms of the football player participating in Ute Conference football on this Saturday in late October, as the Jordan White Gremlins played Olympus.

#68 for Jordan is my son, a hard-charging eight-year-old with the tenacity of a tiger. While a bit undersized, #68 plays with passion and does his best every down.

 Whether it's running a pass route knowing the ball won't be thrown his way, or coming off the corner in futile pursuit of a back he will never catch, #68 never quits and has a upbeat, positive attitude.

Yes, without question there were more talented players on the field this day, for both teams. Yet #68 went out on the field every time his number was called, gave his very best effort, and was a positive factor and influence for his teammates. Though the day would not belong to the Jordan Beetdiggers on this blustery Saturday, for #68 and his Dad, it was another Saturday afternoon spent together. 

For this old man, it just doesn't get much better than this!

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