Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chain Gang

Like many bloggers or webmasters, I have a list of links to other sites
that I find interesting.

On my website at www.hudsonartworks.com, I have a list of links on the
Contact/Links tab. However, the website platform I use has an option to display
more than one frame or window on a single page. Different panels can display
different content on the same page.

I thought it would be interesting to highlight the 'links' concept by trying to
develop a visual component to 'links.' On that page, the 'links' to the other
websites are in text, and next to the listing of links are visual treatments of,
well, links. When I think of 'links', the first visual image to cross my mind i
s one of chain links. However, a standard chain link is a bit cliche' - not to
mention boring.

So I set out to explore some ways to show links.
This shot is pretty straightforward. Chain links against a white backdrop.
Not much going on creatively; what you might expect from anyone who
had the brilliant idea to dress up their links page with - WOW! A photo of chain.

In this next execution we now have a bit of color happening. A bit of glow,
a bit more interesting. Still links, but this version is somewhat more engaging.

This is a bit more interesting. Kind of like a 1970's Black Light look. Dark,
perhaps not quite 'menacing', but there is a bit of mystery going on, maybe
even a hint of malice. There is definite attitude in these links. I quite like this.

This one has a crisp, metal look to it. There are some interesting black
highlights going on, with some subtle hints of blue and orange. We've moved
away from the straightforward standard chain links into something
a bit more visually compelling.

To see how it looks on the website go to www.hudsonartworks.com and click
on the Contact/Links page.

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